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Do you think you want to be a Special Education teacher? Do you like working with students who have disabilities? Do you like to cook?
If so, then EMPOWER might be the class for you. 
Credits: Full Year Course
Grades offered: 11-12
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Foods and Nutrition, Student Application and Interview for Mentor Candidates Preference for students who have successfully completed POWER PE.
Course Description: E.M.P.O.W.E.R. (Educational Mentoring Partnership Opportunity with Exceptional Rewards) is a class that serves to encourage special needs students as they learn a variety of life skills. This course will pair regular education students who are interested in becoming special education teachers (OR who are interested in working with people who have disabilities) with those students who have special needs. Our students with special needs will be provided opportunities to learn and discover skills needed for daily living while having a regular education student paired with them, serving as a mentor or assistant.
Topics may cover the selection and purchase of food, safety and sanitation in the kitchen, regional and international recipes, and career opportunities related to foods. Student mentors will have the chance to research different disabilities and will create/teach lesson plans over the topics previously mentioned and adapt them to the needs of the individual student. 
For more information, watch the video here --> All About Empower
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