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Early Dismissal/Absence Procedures

Student Absence

Please call the Attendance Office's voicemail line at 708-371-1111 ext. 3630 by 8:30 am whenever your student is absent.

Early Dismissal

Per our district's handbook, early dismissal from the school requires 2-hours of advance notice. The advance notice allows the school to have your child ready for pickup when you arrive. Please call the voicemail line to request an early dismissal and provide the following information:

  • Parent/guardian name and relationship to student
  • Student’s name
  • Student's ID#
  • Expected time for pick-up

When a Student is Feeling Sick

Early Release from the nurse's office can be immediate. The student should report to the nurse's office (and should not text or call the parent directly). The Nurse will assess, give assistance if appropriate, and call the parent for early dismissal if necessary.