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Operation Snowball


What is Snowball? 

Operation Snowball is a leadership group that is focused on creating a safe, positive, and caring environment here at Shepard High School. It is a program that provides students with enriching life experiences by teaching students skills in leadership, advocacy and communication. In the fall (previous to COVID) students participated in a 2 day retreat at Camp Manitoqua, in Frankfort. Students learn a lot about themselves and peers in their experiences with small groups, general sessions, workshops, and more.  Along with being a fun, safe environment for students to be themselves and make friends, Operation Snowball also promotes making healthy life choices, and teaching our club members advocacy skills rather they are for self use or to help a friend. If we can't make it to Camp Manitoqua this year don't fret, we have something very special planned. 

What does the club do?

Snowballers can expect to meet every 2nd Tuesday of each month in room B138. We typically have one retreat with all CHSD 218 schools each year and also help lead Red Ribbon Week during the month of October.  If you can’t make meetings because of sports or clubs, just let your directors know. To stay in good standing with the club you must attend monthly meetings and take part in club school activities month. If you have any questions, please e-mail Jasmine Brown at [email protected]as well as Ashaunti Graves at [email protected].

Want to join Operation Snowball?

 Please use this link: or code: b5vimza to access our Google Classroom for any news, meeting topics, upcoming events or for a safe space to interact or seek advice from peers. What are you waiting for? Come on we are waiting!!!


Second Semester Club Meeting Dates(2nd Tuesdays of each month):

January 16, 2024

February 13, 2024

March 12, 2024

April 9, 2024

May 13, 2024

BRING A FRIEND OR TWO OR THREE to room B138 from 3:30-4:30PM.