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Ms Biedron

US History-Meet the Teacher Link
Please use this link if your child is enrolled in my US History class.
Useful class information is shared here as well as on this website. Open house for "Meet the Teacher Night" will be held on 8/31 from 6:30-8:00
Psychology-Meet the Teacher Link
Please use this link if your child is enrolled in my Psychology class.
Useful class information is shared here as well as on this website. Open house for "Meet the Teacher Night" will be held on 8/31 from 6:30-8:00
Bachelors-History and Secondary Education from Carthage College
Masters-Educational Technology in Curriculum and Instruction from Concordia University
Current Classes:
US History
Retake Policy:
-Communicate with Miss Biedron your desire to retake an assessment
-Any assessment in the 65% summative assessment category can be retaken regardless of the initial grade.
-The student must complete a relearning plan in order to retake an assessment. A meeting time for individual instruction will take place prior to the retake. 
-The higher grade will prevail.
-Retake deadlines will be provided by Ms Biedron.
Period 1-US History
Period 2-Psychology
Period 3-Professional Period
Period 4-US History
Period 5-Homeroom and Lunch 
Period 6-Plan Period
Period 7-US History
Period 8-Psychology